Friday, September 5, 2008

My second home

I am currently employed for Omni Business Solutions, as many people may agree work is a second home. During the week, I am here more than I am at home with my family.

I love my job! It can be very stressful, but I love the people I work with. They are my second family and I am honored to spend the work week with them. Whenever I get stressed or overwhelmed, I just look back to my old jobs that I hated, and it makes this one the best I have ever had (I hated working at Old Navy)!

I am blessed to have a great job! An amazing boss, and a wonderful work family. The brand new building helps too ;)


cariesthoughts said...

Tru dat. I do spend more time with work people than my own family. lol. But I am glad you are there!!

Rey said...

Yes, it helps to like the ppl you work with as they become your second family. I couldn't imagine working w/ppl I couldn't stand. I love the ppl I work with!
How did you get your profile all cute? I need to know these secrets!

zombiemom said...

Ok, thanks for the info on the layouts, but how the heck do you add ppl as "friends and family"?
Dang I'm dumb at this!