Alot has happened since I last blogged. A couple of weeks ago Santa Clara had their Swiss Days parade bright and early on a Saturday morning. Lindsay's dance class was going to be in the parade. Vanessa, Ash, and I all got up early to go watch her. While Mandy was with Lindsay we helped Allan watch his boys, Maddie was doing her own thing. We weren't able to get a good picture of Lindsay because her head was down when she went by us, but we found out later that she was upset that another little girl was stealing her candy. She looked so cute of course. Here are some pictures of the boys watching the parade.
Lindsay has the cute red flower in her hair.
Then last Saturday Ash and I drove down to Overton to watch Emma's soccer game. It was so fun watching her. When the ball gets close to her feet she sticks her tongue out and just runs in place she is really scared to kick the ball, and the poor girl had 6 adults yelling at her "Go Emma" "Kick It". She did so good though, it was fun watching her game all the kids were so cute. I also got a picture of two of her coaches. :)
That night my friends Carie and Jason picked me up to go play Bingo! We meant my brother and Paola there. It was a fun night. I didn't win anything, but during the "party" session of bingo, my brother won $500 and then Carie won $100 on a drawing. We have the lucky table that night. Here some pics of the winners.
Finally this last Thursday Maddie and Lindsay and their school's Raptor Romp. Its their schools fund raiser and each grade does a dance for their parents. Lindsay did a dance to a dinosaur dance and Maddie's dance was to Thriller. They had pizza and drinks for everyone, and you can just eat while watching the dances. Here are some pics of the kids waiting for the dance.
For cute pictures of Maddie's Thriller dance, go to Mandy's blog.
YAY! I had so much fun with you and Carie at Mesquite! Too bad we didn't get to holla bingo though! Those stupid old ladies keep barely saying it... *whispers Bingo*
I know I keep saying but you are such an awesome auntie!
I love that you guys are so close, your mom would be so happy.
Thanks for the "wow!", I'm finding myself through creativity lately. It feels good to get off my butt and make something. Still feeling a scrapbook weekend coming on.....
We need to plan!
Maybe a Christmas present to ourselves? Like the first weekend of December? Or even before Thanksgiving- let me know!
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