Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I still have a couple posts I want to do for memory, you know like Christmas. But I wanted to try to do a weekly update with Brooklyn. I feel like she is growing up so fast and everyday she is doing something new.
We have just got over the croup and then a flu bug. Yeah that was fun, I think we didn't sleep a full night for a week. But I am so happy to say she is a lot better. Now my poor nephew has the pukies, gotta love winter time. I was also so sad because she missed her first week back at dance from winter break. She has been asking for her teacher everyday, and it finally came and she was sick.
Last week we finally took down our Christmas tree and Brooklyn cried, and she cried. She still says "Oh no dada, tree away". Yes Brookie, Dada put the tree in the garage, poor thing.
We also had Penelope stay with us for a week. These girls are hilarious they can be the best of friends and then mad at each other in the drop of a hat. If they were mad at each other if one spoke the other would point and yell no! Imagine this going on through out the day. We had to remind them that they love each other and they need to be nice. LOL

Sharing the iPad, and some goldfish

Costco! I wish more stores had the double seats. :)

I almost didn't post these pictures because my kitchen is scary messy, but these girls thought they were hilarious and laughed so hard at each other.


This is Penelope's Mad Eye Moody face

Brookie wanted her picture taken after Penelope's, poor sick baby. :(
We have a corner in our front room that I have set up just for Brooklyn's toys. I have been wanting to decorate it since we moved in and I finally did it. I have had these frames for awhile now and I'm glad I finally painted a couple.

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