A lot of changes have happened in the last two months, I didn't think change affected me that much but it did.
I had recently had to tell myself what I am telling Ashley everyday. Instead of looking at the negative in things look at the positive. I wasn't listening to my own words, and I am going to do my best to do that from now on.
David lost his job back in March. He tried really hard but was unable to find a job today (not a surprise). He decided to give sales a try again, and moved to Philadelphia to sell security systems. At first I did not want this at all, because it would require him to be gone for four months. But as the deadline came closer and closer he made the decision to go. No one was calling back on jobs.
So on Mothers Day, we drove up to Salt Lake City and put him on a plane to Philadelphia. This was so hard for me. We have been together five years and I don't think we have spent more than two days away from each other. I miss him like crazy and count down the hours until he can come home.
I am so grateful for the support of my family. Ashley, Vanessa and Jeremy have been my angels. Ashley and Vanessa make sure I am keeping busy.
I am grateful for Jacob and Emma for helping me take Duke out for walks, because this was a job that I DID NOT do when Dave was home, and they have helped me so much. I love their faces.
I am grateful for Paola and Bubba for just being steps away if I need them. Paola's random visits help out so much.
I am grateful for Mandy's texts and phone calls to check in on my to make sure I am doing okay, and her precious kids for loving me so much and putting a smile on my face.
I know I sound like a baby, and it could be a lot worse. I think about the families that send loved ones off to war and go for months without a phone call and letter. My heart is with anyone that has to be away from someone they love.
I promise to post more, I miss keeping in touch with my blogging friends.
When you are bored in the car, take pictures.
Emma and Jacob colored eggs at our house this year.

Nessa putting a smile on my face. Nice tights!

Ashley wanted to make a homemade gift this year for Mandy and Paola for Mothers Day. She made them aprons and matching aprons for their girls. I did what I do best, and bought the cook book to go with it. She did such a good job!
Emma and Jacob colored eggs at our house this year.
Nessa putting a smile on my face. Nice tights!
Ashley wanted to make a homemade gift this year for Mandy and Paola for Mothers Day. She made them aprons and matching aprons for their girls. I did what I do best, and bought the cook book to go with it. She did such a good job!
wowwee check out those tights! lmao..
love you prima
MamaTan here if ya need a hug gurl.
Ya know whats funny? Whenever I think of strong women in my life you are, for realz, one of my top five. So to know that you struggle seems weird to me because you are the epitome of strength and happiness to me. You have overcome so much in you life and you always manage to wear a smile.
I love you so much.
I am sad to hear that this stinking economy is affecting you & your family. It seems to be everywhere. It's makes it hard to enjoy my own security but I am forever thankful for it. I know that even I am not safe from it!
You know how to get me if you need me and you'd better know to call on me!
I will include you guys in my prayers. Keep in touch babe.
Love you.
YAY finally a post!! I've been wondering what you were up to and I'm sorry you are struggling, life doesn't seem fair at times but I just keep thinking something has to give and turn this crappy economy around we'll see only time can tell! Dillon saw Emma Sue's pics and said hey I know that girl!! so tell her Dillon said HI!! keep smiling and have a great week!!
Have you ever noticed in the picture of Nessa in the tights duke is in the back and he looks scared
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