Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Outside Adventures

It has been so nice outside. I have been trying to take Brooklyn out as much as I can before it gets too cold again, even if it's just for a little walk around the neighborhood. She loves it, when we went last night she discovered the rocks and wanted to carry as many as she could.

This is the face she gives us when we say "CHEESY"

Last weekend we walked to the park too. She absolutely loves it there, we were there for two hours and she just played and explored. She also learned to go climb up the stairs and go down the slide herself, the little one of course.

Friday, February 1, 2013

This Girl

This girl is growing up so fast, it seems like she has changed so much in just the last three months. She learns, listens and explores. She says "UH OH" so cute, and she talks a lot we just don't know what the words are. She will just come up to us and jibber jabber like she has something very important to say.

She loves her stuffed animals. She gives them all hugs!

Her car seat is now forward facing and she loves it.

I can't get enough of this face!